Lab Members

The Boss
Matthew L. Bochman
Assistant Professor
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Biology Department
Training Faculty, Graduate Training Program in Quantitative and Chemical Biology
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Curriculum Vitae
Matt Bochman received his B.S. in Molecular Biology from Juniata College in 2003, where he worked in
the lab of Dr. Michael W. Morrow as a Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow. Matt received his
Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2008. His
thesis work was performed in the lab of Dr. Anthony Schwacha and focused on demonstrating that the
Mcm2-7 complex was a uniquely regulated hexameric helicase. As an American Cancer Society
postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University from 2009-2013, Matt studied the roles of Pif1 family
helicases as they relate to G-quadruplex DNA and has continued this research in the Molecular and
Cellular Biochemistry Department at Indiana University since 2013. He studies genome stability when
he�s not homebrewing, drinking beer with his wife, or trying to raise their two children. He also
collaborates with the FLAT12 Bierwerks in Indianapolis to do interesting things with yeast and beer.
Graduate Students
Cody Rogers | - | MCB | - | codroger [at] |
Christopher Sausen | - | MCB | - | csausen [at] |
Sara Metcalf | - | GCDB | - | srmetcal [at] |
Research Associates
David Nickens, Ph.D. | - | dnickens [at] |
Jeff Ewer | - | jefewer [at] |
Nicholas Buehler | - | njbuehle [at] |
Katherine van Kessel (Research associate, 2013-2014) |
Ashna Alladin (Khorana Scholar, 2014) |
Nur Nisaa Ahmad (Undergraduate researcher, 2013-2015) |
Rakshin Kharwadkar, MS (Biotechnology, 2014-2015) |
Sanjana Ravindran (Khorana Scholar, 2015) |
Nicholas (Max) Andis, MS (Biotechnology, 2015-2017) |
Devon Veatch (Technician, 2015-2017) |
Kara Osburn (Undergraduate Researcher, 2014-2018)
Joseph Barry (Undergraduate Researcher, 2017-2018) |